Source code for cobald.daemon.config.mapping

import logging
import logging.config
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, TypeVar, Callable, Tuple, Generic

from entrypoints import EntryPoint

from ..plugins import PluginRequirements

_logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)

T = TypeVar("T")
#: type of a mapping element, matching JSON/YAML
M = TypeVar("M", str, int, float, bool, dict, list)

[docs]class ConfigurationError(Exception): def __init__(self, what: Any, where: str = None): self.where = where self.what = what super().__init__("invalid configuration element '%s': %s" % (where, what))
[docs]def configure_logging(logging_mapping: dict):"Configuring logging") # > takes a default parameter, disable_existing_loggers, which defaults to True # > for reasons of backward compatibility. This may or may not be what you want # Note: this is *not* what we want, since we create several loggers in advance logging_mapping["disable_existing_loggers"] = logging_mapping.get( "disable_existing_loggers", False ) logging.config.dictConfig(logging_mapping)
[docs]class Translator(object): """ Translator from a mapping to an initialised object hierarchy """
[docs] def translate_hierarchy( self, structure: M, *, where: str = "", **construct_kwargs ) -> M: try: if isinstance(structure, dict): structure = { key: self.translate_hierarchy(value, where="%s.%s" % (where, key)) for key, value in structure.items() } if "__type__" in structure: return self.construct(structure, **construct_kwargs) return structure elif isinstance(structure, list): # translate bottom up - need those lists to materialize # reversed and enumerate iterables return list( reversed( [ self.translate_hierarchy( item, where="%s[%s]" % (where, index) ) for index, item in reversed(list(enumerate(structure))) ] ) ) else: return structure except ConfigurationError as err: if err.where is None: raise ConfigurationError(what=err.what, where=where) from err raise except Exception as err: raise ConfigurationError(where=where, what=err) from err
[docs] def construct(self, mapping: dict, **kwargs): """ Construct an object from a mapping :param mapping: constructor definition, with ``__type__`` and keyword arguments :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments to pass to the constructor """ assert "__type__" not in kwargs and "__args__" not in kwargs mapping = {**mapping, **kwargs} factory_fqdn = mapping.pop("__type__") factory = self.load_name(factory_fqdn) args = mapping.pop("__args__", []) return factory(*args, **mapping)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_name(absolute_name: str): """Load an object based on an absolute, dotted name""" path = absolute_name.split(".") try: __import__(absolute_name) except ImportError: try: obj = sys.modules[path[0]] except KeyError: raise ImportError("No module named %r" % path[0]) from None else: for component in path[1:]: try: obj = getattr(obj, component) except AttributeError as err: raise ConfigurationError( what="no such object %r" % absolute_name ) from err return obj else: # ImportError is not raised if ``absolute_name`` points to a valid module return sys.modules[absolute_name]
[docs]class SectionPlugin(Generic[M]): """ Plugin to digest a top-level configuration section :param section: Name of the section to digest :param digest: callable that receives the section :param requirements: plugin requirements """ __slots__ = "section", "digest", "requirements" @property def required(self): return self.requirements.required @property def before(self): return self.requirements.before @property def after(self): return self.requirements.after def __init__( self, section: str, digest: Callable[[M], Any], requirements: PluginRequirements ): self.section = section self.digest = digest self.requirements = requirements
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, entry_point: EntryPoint) -> "SectionPlugin": """ Load a plugin from a pre-parsed entry point Parses the following options: ``required`` If present implies ``required=True``. ``before=other`` This plugin must be processed before ``other``. ``after=other`` This plugin must be processed after ``other``. """ digest = entry_point.load() requirements = getattr(digest, "__requirements__", PluginRequirements()) if entry_point.extras: raise ValueError( f"SectionPlugin entry point '{}':" f" extras are no longer supported" ) return cls(, digest=digest, requirements=requirements)
def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f"(section={self.section}," f" digest={self.digest}," f" requirements={self.requirements})" )
[docs]def load_configuration( config_data: Dict[str, Any], plugins: Tuple[SectionPlugin] = () ) -> Dict[SectionPlugin, Any]: """ Load the configuration from a mapping, applying plugins to sections :param config_data: the raw configuration without any plugins applied :param plugins: all plugins that *might* apply, in order :return: the output of all applied plugins """ try: logging_mapping = config_data.pop("logging") except KeyError: pass else: configure_logging(logging_mapping) # see if there is any unexpected config content unmatched = config_data.keys() - {plugin.section for plugin in plugins} if unmatched: raise ConfigurationError( where="root", what="unknown config sections %s" % ", ".join(unmatched) ) content = {} for plugin in plugins: try: section_data = config_data[plugin.section] except KeyError: if plugin.required: raise ConfigurationError( where="root", what="missing section %r" % plugin.section ) from None else: # invoke the plugin and store possible output # to avoid it being garbage collected plugin_content = plugin.digest(section_data) if plugin_content is not None: content[plugin] = plugin_content return content