Source code for cobald.composite.weighted

from typing_extensions import Literal

from ..interfaces import Pool, CompositePool

[docs]class WeightedComposite(CompositePool): """ Composition of pools weighted by their current state The aggregation of children's :py:attr:`~.Pool.demand`, :py:attr:`~.Pool.utilisation` and :py:attr:`~.Pool.allocation` is weighted by each child's ``weight``. Children can be weighted by their :py:attr:``, :py:attr:`~.Pool.utilisation` or :py:attr:`~.Pool.allocation`. Note that weighting the :py:attr:`~.Pool.demand` only applies to *distributing* it to children; the composite's :py:attr:`~.Pool.demand` is always exactly as set by its controller. If the total weight is 0, the following fallback applies: * :py:attr:`~.Pool.demand` is applied uniformly, and * :py:attr:`~.Pool.utilisation` and :py:attr:`~.Pool.allocation` are assumed 1 if there are no children, 0 otherwise. The latter rule expresses that the total fitness of a Pool is 0 either if the fitness of all its children is 0, or there are no children. """ children = [] @property def demand(self): return self._demand @demand.setter def demand(self, value): self._demand = value child_count = len(self.children) for pool in self.children: try: pool.demand = value * getattr(pool, self._weight) / self._total_weight except ZeroDivisionError: pool.demand = value / child_count @property def supply(self): return sum( for child in self.children) @property def utilisation(self): try: return ( sum( child.utilisation * getattr(child, self._weight) for child in self.children ) / self._total_weight ) except ZeroDivisionError: return self._undefined_fitness() @property def allocation(self): try: return ( sum( child.allocation * getattr(child, self._weight) for child in self.children ) / self._total_weight ) except ZeroDivisionError: return self._undefined_fitness() def _undefined_fitness(self) -> float: """Fitness (allocation/utilisation) to return when weighting is zero""" # There are two separate causes why we end up here: # 1. supply == 0 and there is nothing that can contribute to the weight # 2. weight == 0 because child pools perform that badly # Notably, 2. means child performance is *bad*, # whereas 1. means child performance is *undefined*. # # If performance is bad (2.) we need to preserve this (-> 0.0). # If performance is undefined (1.) we *assume* it is good (-> 1.0) so that we # eventually get real data once children exist. # # See also issues #75, #18 return 0.0 if > 0 else 1.0 @property def _total_weight(self): return sum(getattr(child, self._weight) for child in self.children) def __init__( self, *children: Pool, weight: Literal["supply", "utilisation", "allocation"] = "supply", ): assert weight in ( "supply", "utilisation", "allocation", ), "weight must be either supply, utilisation or allocation" self._weight = weight self._demand = sum(child.demand for child in children) self.children = list(children)