Source code for cobald.interfaces._proxy

from ._pool import Pool
from typing import TypeVar, Type

from ._partial import Partial

C = TypeVar("C", bound="PoolDecorator")

[docs]class PoolDecorator(Pool): """ Decorator modifying how a pool provides resources :param target: the resource pool for which demand is adjusted """ def __init__(self, target: Pool): = target
[docs] @classmethod def s(cls: Type[C], *args, **kwargs) -> Partial[C]: """ Create an unbound prototype of this class, partially applying arguments .. code:: python decorator = Buffer.s(window=20) pipeline = controller >> decorator >> pool """ return Partial(cls, *args, __leaf__=False, **kwargs)
@property def supply(self): """The volume of resources that is provided by this site""" return @property def demand(self): """The volume of resources to be provided by this site""" return @demand.setter def demand(self, value): = value @property def utilisation(self) -> float: """Fraction of the provided resources which is actively used""" return @property def allocation(self) -> float: """Fraction of the provided resources which is assigned for usage""" return