COBalD – the Opportunistic Balancing Daemon

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The cobald is a lightweight framework to balance opportunistic resources: cloud bursting, container orchestration, allocation scaling and more. Its lightweight model for resources and their composition makes it easy to integrate custom resources and manage them at a large scale. The idea is as simple as it gets:

Start good things.
Stop bad things.

See also

The cobald demo is a minimal working toy example for using cobald.

Quick Info

In the current state, cobald is a research and expert tool targeting administrators and developers. You have to manually select your resource backends and compose the strategy. Still, the simplicity of cobald should make it accessible for interested users as well.

Getting COBalD up and running

Have a look at the cobald demo. It provides a minimal working example for running COBalD. The demo shows you how to install, configure and run your own COBalD instance.

Using COBalD to horizontally scale an HTCondor Pool

The TARDIS project provides backends to several cloud providers. This allows you to orchestrate prebuilt VM images.


The cobald project originates from research on dynamically providing Cloud resources for analysts of the LHC collaborations. It supersedes past work on the ROCED Cloud resource provider, generalising its goal of provisioning opportunistic resources.

The development of cobald is currently organized by the GridKa and CMS research groups at KIT. We openly encourage adoption and contributions outside of KIT, LHC and our current selection of opportunistic resources. Information on deployment as well as creating and publishing custom plugins will follow.

Please contact us on github or gitter if you want to contribute.

Indices and tables